When to buy first smartphone?
Recent study from Sapien Labs of 27,969 young adults found the age at which they received their first smartphone or tablet strongly correlates with their mental health status in young adulthood.
Here are the findings:
The later the age at which these young adults first got a phone or tablet that they could carry with them in childhood, the better their mental wellbeing as adults. The ‘Social Self’ which is defined as self-confidence and ability to relate positively to others was the most improved dimension, which makes sense when you consider what teens do on their smartphones and on social media. They compare and find themselves lacking.
In comparison, those that got their first phone younger were more likely to experience suicidal thoughts and a sense of being detached from reality. I hear about this ‘depersonalization’ and ‘derealization’ often in my work with young people. These trends were found to be stronger in females, which tracks with the fact that girls use more social media than boys.
The full study can be accessed here.