For Parents
What is Wait Until 8th?
Ultimately, the decision to delay a smartphone until 8th grade is rooted in promoting a child's holistic development and ensuring they have the tools and maturity to navigate the digital world responsibly. As parents, it's crucial to prioritize our children's long-term wellbeing over short-term convenience, and initiatives like the Wait Until 8th Pledge provide valuable support in making informed and mindful choices for our families.
Less (and better) experience on screens
As a general rule, no more than two hours per day is recommended for screen-based recreational activities.
Turning off Video Games
Maintain the boundary, bur remember you are doing so because your child doesn’t yet have this impulse-control skill. (They are not bad kids!) This might require putting the controller somewhere your child can’t reach or find.
Family Tech Planners
GOOD NEWS! There is no better time to get people to agree to what you want, than when you're handing them a shiny new toy. Remember, even though you’re starting with a contract spelling out how things should go, your job isn’t done.
How to talk about social media and social comparison
When your child comes to you asking to join one of these photo- and video-driven social media platforms, take the opportunity to talk with them about what research and real-life experience brings to light with a pros and cons list.
Explaining the Algorithm
Algorithms show you content that the apps and companies think you will be interested in. This can mean that you are also more likely to see content that matches your own opinions about the world, rather than videos or posts that show a balanced range of views and different perspectives.
Teaching your kids to be media-savvy
Will you unfollow, mute, unsubscribe, or otherwise limit or avoid consuming this type of content?
How to talk about porn
All experts recommend talking about porn with a child as soon as they have a device with access to the internet.
How to talk about balance
If you’re noticing your child is on a screen more than you’d like, you should initiate a conversation to understand what’s going on. You could say this:
When to buy first smartphone?
The later the age at which these young adults first got a phone or tablet that they could carry with them in childhood, the better their mental wellbeing as adults.
A full day away…
Unplugging for a full day each week is a punk-rock reaction to our always-on, 24/7 world. It makes the world wait while we do what we want. It’s totally freeing, and totally free.
Empathy and safety
As digital use has increased, time spent face-to-face has decreased. With heads bowed over devices, our kids are missing out on what makes us human, our connection to each other.
Let them grow
Two theories explaining the drastic decline of teen mental health since 2012 are 1) the reduction in face-to-face time with peers and 2) their lack of independence.
The Teenage Brain
Perhaps most important of all, set limits- with everything. This is what their overexuberant brains can’t do for themselves.
A phone in a drawer
I’m not doing as good of a job at being ‘unplugged’ as I’d like, especially in the afternoon and evening hours when I’m with the kids.